Limited-Time Referral Bonus: How You Can Help Us Grow

Help Us Find New Clients and Earn Substantial Bonuses

Welcome to Acute PMC’s Referral Program! We’re excited to offer you an opportunity to earn rewards by referring companies that could benefit from our exceptional project staff augmentation services. Your referrals help us connect with new clients, and you get to share in the success!


Why Refer to Acute PMC?
By referring companies to us, you can earn substantial bonuses while helping organizations gain access to our expert project management services.

What We Do:
At Acute PMC, our primary focus is on providing exceptional and experienced project staff augmentation. We help businesses overcome critical project challenges, enhance their teams, and achieve project success by delivering immediate engagement and high-quality project management solutions tailored to meet their specific needs.

What Sets Us Apart:
Acute PMC is driven by a commitment to excellence and a focus on client success. Our team is composed of exceptionally qualified professionals with extensive experience across various industries, particularly in technology, healthcare, government, education, construction & engineering, consumer products & retail, and customized solutions. We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver immediate engagement and exceptional quality, ensuring that every project we undertake is completed to the highest standards. Our unique combination of skills, innovative methodologies, and client-centered approach sets us apart as leaders in the project management consulting field.

Core Strengths:

How It Works

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Identify Potential Companies: Look for businesses that could benefit from Acute PMC’s project staff augmentation. These are typically companies facing critical project challenges, requiring skilled project management, or seeking to enhance their team without committing to full-time hires. Ideal candidates include:
    • Companies Facing Critical Project Challenges:
      • Struggling to meet project deadlines.
      • Experiencing budget overruns.
      • Dealing with complex or high-stakes projects.
    • Businesses Requiring Skilled Project Management:
      • Lacking in-house project management expertise.
      • Undertaking new or unfamiliar project types.
      • Needing to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget.
    • Organizations Seeking to Enhance Their Team Without Full-Time Hires:
      • Looking for flexible, temporary project management support.
      • Needing additional resources for peak project periods.
      • Wanting to augment their existing team with specialized skills.
    • Companies with Significant Project Demands:
      • Managing multiple simultaneous projects.
      • Scaling operations rapidly and needing project support.
      • Entering new markets or launching new products requiring expert project management.
    • Businesses with Struggling Projects:
      • Projects that are off track and need recovery.
      • Facing challenges with project scope, quality, or stakeholder satisfaction.
      • In need of turnaround strategies to save failing projects.
    • Organizations Looking to Add Specialized Project Management Skills:
      • Requiring industry-specific project expertise.
      • Looking for innovative project management methodologies.
      • Needing strategic guidance and advanced project management solutions.
  2. Build Rapport with Potential Clients:
    • Reach Out to Key Decision-Makers: Contact Project Management Office (PMO) Leaders, Directors of Project Management, or Senior Project Managers within the identified companies.
    • Introduce Yourself: Express a genuine interest in understanding their business, challenges, and goals.
    • Engage in Consultative Conversations: Ask open-ended questions to gain deeper insights into their needs and pain points.
    • Establish Trust: Focus on building a comfortable rapport and establishing trust before attempting to sell Acute PMC’s services.
  3. Identify Opportunities to Introduce Acute PMC’s Services:
    • Understand Client Needs: As you build rapport, identify opportunities where Acute PMC’s services can provide a solution.
    • Gauge Interest: Determine the potential client’s interest and receptiveness to learning more about Acute PMC’s offerings.
  4. Introduce and Sell Our Services:
    • Key Highlights of Acute PMC’s Services: Exceptional and experienced project staff augmentation, immediate engagement and high-quality solutions, expertise in critical project management, project repair and recovery, and customized solutions.
    • Tailor Your Pitch: Align your pitch with the specific needs and pain points identified during your consultative conversations.
    • Emphasize Benefits: Highlight the benefits of our staff augmentation, such as immediate engagement, access to skilled professionals, and flexibility without long-term commitments.
    • Handle Objections and Questions: Use the FAQs and your knowledge of Acute PMC’s services to address any concerns, if you have any questions you can reach out to us through LinkedIn or
    • Maintain a Consultative Approach: Focus on how Acute PMC can help the client achieve their goals.
  5. Set Up Appointments or Hand Off to Acute PMC:
    • Schedule Meetings: If the potential client expresses strong interest, offer to set up an appointment with our team.
    • Coordinate with Acute PMC: Arrange a meeting or call between the potential client and our representatives.
    • Hand Off the Lead: If you prefer, hand off the lead to Acute PMC, providing the necessary information and context for our team to take over.
    • Ensure Smooth Transition: Collaborate with Acute PMC to ensure a smooth transition and continuity in the sales process.
  6. Earn a Referral Bonus:
    • If the company becomes our client, you’ll receive a referral bonus once we have a signed Statement of Work (SOW) and we receive a non-refundable deposit.
    • You’ll receive a bonus based on the value of the initial SOW before deposit.
    • Your efforts in effectively introducing and advocating for our services help ensure a successful referral.
    • Payment Method Options: We offer secure payment methods for commission payouts, including direct bank transfers (ACH) and wire transfers.

Referral Bonus Details:

Bonus Structure:
Our referral program rewards you based on the value of the first project with the referred company. Here’s how it works:

Project ValueYour Bonus
Up to $10,0006.5%
Over $40,00010%


Eligibility Criteria:


Common Questions:

Contact Information

For any questions or assistance, please contact us at or message us on LinkedIn.

Social Media Links:


By participating in Acute PMC’s Referral Program, you agree to the following terms and conditions: